Ihr habt's hier eben mit nem RPG-Suchti zu tun. Wenn ihr wüsstet, wie viele Storys ich schon hinter mir hatte. :D
Nyu, ich wär auf jeden Fall dafür, dass Gegenwart rausfliegt, weil das ist so...bah! D:
Aber eigentlich steh ich ja auf so postapokalyptische Welten, da kann man nämlich sooo viel machen. *-* Man kann Dämonen, Magie und "antike" Waffen mit moderner Sprache, Schusswaffen und moderner Klamotte verbinden UND man kann es noch düsterer als Mittelalter und Co machen UND gleichzeitig ohne Technik auskommen. xD
Diese Puppe ist übrigens männlich und heißt Pedro.
schlagfertige Antwort...Aber ganz ehrlich, das zerstört mir jede Fantasie XD
About human and devil:
I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, how about you? I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, it colors like poo..? You are evil, yes I see, You are evil, how 'bout me? You're a devil, so don't lie, cause in hell they cocholate like! I'm a devil, and I'm glad, and hell is made of hot chocolate. Begone devil, what you want, I have nothing but a gun! I want chocolate, yes I do, I want chocolate just from you! I have chocolate, yes I do, but I shot it and that's true! You're a killer, and you're mad, give it to me though it's dead! I don't want to, no I don't, it's my hostage, go or I'll shoot! See, I don't care, big fat cow, I want chocolate here and now! Ha ha monster, it's too late, I just ate it, so I now faaaiiinnnnt.... You're the monster, I will die, but I'll see my chocolate there up high!
Ein All-Round-Paket sozusagen^^ nun Apokalypse klingt nicht schlecht...
About human and devil:
I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, how about you? I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, it colors like poo..? You are evil, yes I see, You are evil, how 'bout me? You're a devil, so don't lie, cause in hell they cocholate like! I'm a devil, and I'm glad, and hell is made of hot chocolate. Begone devil, what you want, I have nothing but a gun! I want chocolate, yes I do, I want chocolate just from you! I have chocolate, yes I do, but I shot it and that's true! You're a killer, and you're mad, give it to me though it's dead! I don't want to, no I don't, it's my hostage, go or I'll shoot! See, I don't care, big fat cow, I want chocolate here and now! Ha ha monster, it's too late, I just ate it, so I now faaaiiinnnnt.... You're the monster, I will die, but I'll see my chocolate there up high!
ich bin aufjeden fall gegen schusswaffen... ich finde die langweilig.... klar die können cool aussehen, aber mit antiken waffen ist es einfach... ich weiß nicht, spannender!!
Naja, man könnte das auch verbinden. Z.B magiebetriebene Schusswaffen *lach* wie meine Tigerpistolen
About human and devil:
I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, how about you? I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, it colors like poo..? You are evil, yes I see, You are evil, how 'bout me? You're a devil, so don't lie, cause in hell they cocholate like! I'm a devil, and I'm glad, and hell is made of hot chocolate. Begone devil, what you want, I have nothing but a gun! I want chocolate, yes I do, I want chocolate just from you! I have chocolate, yes I do, but I shot it and that's true! You're a killer, and you're mad, give it to me though it's dead! I don't want to, no I don't, it's my hostage, go or I'll shoot! See, I don't care, big fat cow, I want chocolate here and now! Ha ha monster, it's too late, I just ate it, so I now faaaiiinnnnt.... You're the monster, I will die, but I'll see my chocolate there up high!
Aber diese Waffen kann man den schwachen Bösen geben, um sie noch mehr wie ne Null aussehen zu lassen. >=3
bzw hatte ich schon postapokalyptische Welten, in denen nichts modernen ausser Kleidung und Sprache gab und ne Art Kraftfeld, aber das war magisch. Wie gesagt, bei so was kann man sich extrem austoben. xD
Diese Puppe ist übrigens männlich und heißt Pedro.
Hm. hm. Wo wir wieder bei Sprache wären... Ich fände nur Deutsch langweilig. Eigenkreation rules!
(Ich denke, wir sind alle von Ducan überzeugt worden xD)
About human and devil:
I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, how about you? I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, it colors like poo..? You are evil, yes I see, You are evil, how 'bout me? You're a devil, so don't lie, cause in hell they cocholate like! I'm a devil, and I'm glad, and hell is made of hot chocolate. Begone devil, what you want, I have nothing but a gun! I want chocolate, yes I do, I want chocolate just from you! I have chocolate, yes I do, but I shot it and that's true! You're a killer, and you're mad, give it to me though it's dead! I don't want to, no I don't, it's my hostage, go or I'll shoot! See, I don't care, big fat cow, I want chocolate here and now! Ha ha monster, it's too late, I just ate it, so I now faaaiiinnnnt.... You're the monster, I will die, but I'll see my chocolate there up high!
[Vllt sollte ich wirklich in den Debattier-Club unserer Schule xD]
Nyu, Sprache? Das ist verdammt nochmal Käse wie Wurst, da wir eh auf deutsch schreiben werden. Sicher, die Völker können Namen bekommen und eigene Dialekte/Sprachen, aber ansonsten. xD
Diese Puppe ist übrigens männlich und heißt Pedro.
Mein ich doch! [Debattier-club? Geile Idee XD. Aber du musst da glaub ich nicht mehr hin XD]
About human and devil:
I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, how about you? I chocolate, yes I do, I chocolate, it colors like poo..? You are evil, yes I see, You are evil, how 'bout me? You're a devil, so don't lie, cause in hell they cocholate like! I'm a devil, and I'm glad, and hell is made of hot chocolate. Begone devil, what you want, I have nothing but a gun! I want chocolate, yes I do, I want chocolate just from you! I have chocolate, yes I do, but I shot it and that's true! You're a killer, and you're mad, give it to me though it's dead! I don't want to, no I don't, it's my hostage, go or I'll shoot! See, I don't care, big fat cow, I want chocolate here and now! Ha ha monster, it's too late, I just ate it, so I now faaaiiinnnnt.... You're the monster, I will die, but I'll see my chocolate there up high!